Best Potato For Zombie French Fries

The most commonly cultivated potato in America, the Russet Burbank, is the best for french fries. The Russet Burbank has a high starch content causing it to cook up light and fluffy, and with a nice light golden color. Russet Burbank potatoes are sold in two grades. The number one grade is loved for its uniform appearance and size and is packed in a cardboard box of 50 lbs. The 70 count box is best for french fries because they are 10 to 13 ounces each. The number two edition comes in burlap, paper, or plastic bags and is also excellent for french fries. Store Russet Burbank potatoes in a dark place at about 55 degrees F. Temperatures of 42 degrees F or lower like in a refrigerator cause the Russet Burbank to become discolored. Further, that temperature turns the starch in the potato into sugar and makes for an off tasting batch of french fries. Also, too much light makes the potato skin turn green and the french fries turn out ugly and bitter tasting. The Russet Burbank gives french fries a lighter color than other types. Other potatoes are the Ida Rose, the Yukon Gold and the Yukon Rose. They are serve better as baking potatoes but create french fries of other colors and flavors, when you want a change. Russet Burbank potatoes are much favored in America for french fries.



1 comment:

  1. I like Jersey reds the best. Here in England, I think they're probably the equivalent of your American russets.
    And I do like my chips (fries) made with red potoatoes the best.
